*Note: This article was originally pubished on my website blog on July 5, 2024.
Much liberal media attention has been given to President Joe Biden’s mental acuity after last week’s debate. While conservative media has been discussing this issue for four years, Democrat voters have had the issue hidden from them by the smoke and mirrors Democrat Media Complex. Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper are the hands that feed narrow minds whatever fictionalized conspiratorial swill the DNC throws down to them for their daily propaganda.
There is a mistaken belief that journalism was once a noble and unbiased profession, where Americans could rely on reporting of actual news with no agenda. It is time to let go of that idea. It is not so now, and it never was. The mainstream media and Hollywood, the mouthpieces that funnel culture into our brains, were always liberal and progressive.
There were social psychology studies in the 1980’s on media bias due to the widespread belief that the media was liberal. Guess what? I bunch of liberal professors did studies to show that the media was not biased. What a surprise “ending” to that issue!
Think about how the media treated Ronald Reagan. Iran-Contra was the scandal they had waited for. For those of you old enough to remember the Reagan years, don’t romanticize it. Don’t forget how he was treated.
Think back to how Reagan was portrayed by Hollywood. Remember that lost scene of a Saturday Night Live episode I once wrote or podcasted about from around 1979 where they mocked Reagan as a racist and a threat to our democracy. Of course they mocked him, because he threatened their progressive big government racket. Does that sound familiar? The liberal media used the same playbook on every Republican presidential candidate except for John McCain. That’s because McCain was a liberal. The media said that George W. Bush was Satan, Hitler, an idiot, etc. They said that Mitt Romney was an evil super conservative when we now know he was just a weak liberal. And of course, Donald Trump is the worst person on earth in their eyes. The liberal-progressive sky-is-falling-B.S.-routine is tired and played out. Don’t keep falling for it. In social psychology, it’s called linking a target to an undesired outgroup. It’s a calculated tactic and America keeps falling for it. Be smarter than that, America.
Search for the song “Land of Confusion” by the band Genesis. It’s a great song to mindlessly listen to on the radio (well, at least I remember it on the radio…). Watch the video to go with it. Using puppets, it caricatures the Reagans and makes fun of Ronald Reagan as having dementia and putting our nation at risk. Reagan did have some issues after his surviving an assassination attempt early in his presidency. Bill O’Reilly covered this in his book “Killing Reagan”. Has the mainstream media covered Joe Biden’s issues for the past 4 years? Not at all.
The only reason all of America knows about Biden’s mental issues now is the competing interests of the DNC operatives clamoring to remove him from the ballot and swoop in with a last minute replacement that there won’t be time to vet, and the Biden administration that is fighting the DNC to all keep their jobs and relevance. Don’t worry, the mainstream media is quickly getting on the same page with what the DNC wants them to do so they will all be in lockstep again soon enough. There is no room for diversity of thought in the DNC, which is why they keep winning elections. Well, it’s one reason…
Stay the course and take every chance you get to remind people of Joe Biden’s failures and incompetencies. Expect the Democrats to either keep Biden or bring someone new in, but the platform will be the same. They will run on “don’t worry about our socialism, just remember you hate Trump because he is pure evil and must be stopped. He was impeached twice, is a convicted felon, insurrectionist, etc.” Don’t fall for it. See through the tactic. They use pure Alinsky strategies and they are predictable at every turn.